7 of the Best Bottles for Breastfeeding Babies

7 of the Best Bottles for Breastfeeding Babies

7 of the Best Bottles for Breastfeeding Babies

Let’s face it, breastfeeding mothers need a break too. But sometimes it’s nearly impossible if your baby won’t take a bottle. Even if it’s to take a long nap or to get your haircut! So after searching for something that would keep all the hard work I did to teach my baby to breastfeed, I discovered a lot of great brands that offer bottles for breastfeeding babies. 

The key is to find a wide neck bottle with a silicone nipple shaped like a breast. 

Learn how to bottle feed breastfeed babies. 

Best Bottles for Babies that Breast Feed

  1. Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottle – The Comotomo baby bottles are designed to most closely mimic breastfeeding to reduce bottle rejection from babies that don’t want to take a bottle. The bottle itself is soft and smooth to mimic skin. It is the top-rated bottle for babies that breastfeed. Comotomo Breastfeeding Bottles
  2.  Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles – These are the bottles that we used when my girls were babies. These breastfeeding bottles have nipples that are shaped like a breast. Not only are they shaped like one they mimic the same motions a nipple would make. Tommee Tippee also has a sensitive tummy line for babies that spit up and are fussy like mine. Read more about the Tommee Tippee bottles hereTommee Tippee Advanced Bottles
  3. Lansinoh mOmma Breastmilk Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave Nipple – Lansinoh is already a trusted brand in the world of breastfeeding, now they have a great line of bottles as well. The NaturalWave nipple encourages oral development. Enables baby to use feeding actions learned at the breast. The Air Ventilation System (AVS) reduces intake of gas, a potential cause of colic or spit up. Clinically proven to reduce nipple preference in established breastfed babies. Lanisoh mOmma bottles
  4. Munchkin Latch – The nipple on the Munchkin Latch is designed to stretch, pump, and move like a breast does. The also features an anti-colic valve to keep air out. Munchkin Latch Bottles
  5. Breastflow – Breastflow is the only feeding system that requires both suction and compression, just like breastfeeding. It uses a double nipple system that allows the baby to control the flow of the milk. The cap attaches to the bottom of the bottle for easy storage and so you don’t lose it. Breastflow bottles
  6. NUK Simply Natural – The nipple on the NUK Simply Natural is designed to be the most like a woman’s nipple. A lot of parents use the NUK pacifiers as well for their shape so it makes the transition between breast, bottle, and pacifer seamless. NUK Simply Natural Bottles
  7. Evenflo Premium Proflow Wide Neck – Make sure you are getting the wide neck bottles for this model because it comes in standard as well. This is one of the more affordable options for those looking to try a few brands.  Evenflo Premium Provent Wide Neck bottles

Common among breastfeeding bottles is trouble with the nipples collapsing. Here are ways to help prevent that from happening. 

How to prevent the nipple from collapsing – Vent

When I first started using these bottles, I actually got really frustrated because I couldn’t figure out how to get the nipple to stop caving into the bottle. The collapsing is caused by the anti-colic valves on the nipple not opening properly. Before each feeding, just push a toothpick or cleaning pick (like the one pictured below) through the vent to prevent the silicone from sticking together. This stopped the nipple from caving in for me! 

Baby Bottle Cleaning Set

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7 of the Best Bottles for Breastfeeding Babies - JaMonkey