
8 Helpful Tools for Road Trips with Kids

0362It’s a challenge. Traveling with kids takes military level preparations. Backseat requests and emergencies can be quelled with the help of simple, everyday items. Remember these classic tools to become the travel hero:

  • Small Cups – For dividing individual servings and eliminating sibling “fairness” discussions, use small drink cups and keep the main bag in a parent’s possession. 
  • Chip Clip or Clothespins – A chip clip can keep snack bags fresh on the road. How about makeshift shade with a blanket and clothespins? You’ll find multiple uses.
  • Resealable bags in various sizes – Packing is a breeze with these resealable bags. Medicines can be kept organized and leak messes prevented.
  • Favorite Blankets – Solve the temperature preferences by allowing each child/individual to bring a favorite blanket in the car. This may be the one reason your toddler succumbs to a nap while on the road. (This works with teens as well.) And that will mean smooth traveling for you!
  • Small Notebooks and Pencils – These simple tools can keep a child satisfied in the car or restaurant. Mark each notebook with names and you’ll see evidence of journaling along the trip as well.
  • Safety Scissors – Scissors are small enough to fit in your diaper bag if necessary, but can be easily kept in the dash of the car. Our favorite use is cutting down huge straws to kid size at restaurants. (Reduces spills!)
  • Bag of Restaurant Entertainment Items – Have you ever been stuck waiting at the table of a busy restaurant with hungry kids? Bring items that will keep them preoccupied and save your smart phone’s charge. Need ideas? Small containers of PlayDoh can be found in the party favor section of most discount stores. Colored pencils are interesting when compared to restaurant crayons. Silly Putty and comic books allow you to show off ‘old school’ tricks. Wax sticks like Wiki Sticks can let imaginative play happen while the dinner wait happens.
  • Wipes and Paper Towels – Trust us, you don’t want to leave home without these!
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    8 Helpful Tools for Road Trips with Kids - JaMonkey