A Parent’s Thoughts About the Aurora Massacre

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I cry every time I read anything about this terrible incident. Yesterday it was about the three men that died shielding their girlfriends from the bullets spraying the theater. But the worst is the story that the youngest victims of this unthinkable act was a 4 month old boy that was injured and the 6 year old girl that lost her life.

You never think that as a parent taking your child to a movie theater needs extra precaution but the stories I hear on the news now a days is just unreal. There are sick people in every corner it seems. After the incident with the little girl from Cherokee county was murdered I don’t let me daughter out of my sight. But in this case the little girl was with her family. At a midnight screening of a movie when chaos changed their lives forever.

Her mother, Ashley Moser, remains hospitalized with gunshot wounds to her neck and abdomen. She has been in and out of consciousness and asking for her daughter during moments of lucidity.

“Nobody can tell her about it,” Dalton said. “She is in critical condition, but all she’s asking about is her daughter.” – A look at the Lives of Colorado Shooting Victims

If breaks my heart that someone so young was taken. My heart aches for all the victims families. How do we as parents protect our children? We can’t be there for them every second of the day and even when we can things like this happen and I lose all hope. No parent should have to bury their children.

Now lets turn the tables here. Even though they have asked for their privacy what could possible be going through the mind of the parents of this crazed killer? Share your thoughts in the comments. 


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A Parent’s Thoughts About the Aurora Massacre - JaMonkey