Amazon Scout in Atlanta

Amazon Scout Rolls Into Atlanta

This post is brought to you by Amazon, all opinions are my own. 

We love seeing new technology take flight, and a cool innovation from Amazon is hitting the streets in Atlanta. Meet Amazon Scout, the new delivery robot that can deliver your packages right to your door.

Amazon is no stranger to robotics. In fact, there are more than 200,000 robots inside Amazon warehouses and fulfillment centers across the country, working side-by-side with people to prep items for delivery. Scout is the latest in robotics technology to help in the process of getting you your packages!

Amazon Scout in Atlanta

Scout is the size of a small cooler and rolls along at the same pace as a person walking. This little bot can maneuver autonomously around all kinds of objects, even Atlantans walking around with their pets. Scout is also good for the environment – it’s a fully-electric device built with convenience in mind. What more could you ask?

Scout was recently tested in Snohomish County, Washington, and the Irvine-area of California. The trial is now moving to the South to test in Atlanta, Georgia, and Franklin, Tennessee. Scout devices in Atlanta are now delivering Monday through Friday during daylight hours and will be accompanied by an Amazon Scout Ambassador. Curious what Scout looks like in action? Pull up a chair for the kids and check out this video together.

Speaking of kids, Amazon is partnering with local schools in Atlanta to support STEM and robotics activities, building the next generation of scientists and innovators. We have our fair share of robots that the kids have tested or played with, but Scout is a real-world option that children can see in action. I love exposing my children to real-world applications of things they’ve learned about in a book or a toy, so when I heard about Scout I was really excited to share it with them and all of you.

Are your kids interested in robotics? To nurture their interests, try teaching them some new vocabulary words related to robots and encourage them to think about other things around them that might use these words:

Autonomous – Not controlled by others or outside forces. Autonomous is a term that is becoming increasingly popular as all types of companies invest in technology. Self-driving cars, satellites, and now delivery bots like Scout are the wave of the future.

Here is a 3D rendering of my face completed by some of the same technology that is being used in autonomous vehicles and delivery devices like Scout.

3D Mapping of my face

Simulation – Digital imitation of a situation or process. All new technology requires extensive testing. Just like astronauts returning to the moon practice their missions in simulations, so do robots like Scout. Amazon builds entire 3D maps that simulate all kinds of situations to make sure Scout can safely deliver packages before ever putting the robot on the street. Practice makes perfect!

Amazon Scout Simulation
Simulation with Amazon Scout crossing the street.

Make sure to give Scout a wave if you see it roaming the streets of Atlanta!


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Amazon Scout Rolls Into Atlanta - JaMonkey