We love blueberries in our house. We also love pancakes. But we are also a family that doesn’t like tons of sugar in the things we eat. If something is too sweet we will tell you. We really don’t belong in the south home of pounds of sugar in your iced tea.
So making a fruit syrup for things like pancakes and waffles is a challenge since there is so much sugar in them. Plus you can’t beat Maple Syrup. We are Maple Syrup snobs really. I buy the pricey stuff for the taste. I can’t eat the big known brands, it’s like eating sugar!
My Husband is actually the one that discovered this great and easy tip to making a yummy fruit flavored syrup. It’s the easiest thing in the planet and it is so good.
What you will need:
Maple Syrup
Using your favorite Maple Syrup pour the amount that you think you will need for everyone in the family into a saucepan. Then take the fruit that you want to make the fruit syrup and place it in the saucepan with the maple syrup. We use Blueberries to make this.
Heat the mixture stirring it the whole time. You’ll see that the syrup will begin to change colors.
That is it! Allow to cool slightly and then pour the mixture over your pancakes. So yummy.
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I love to eat pancakes. This looks so beautiful and delicious! Lovely photos 🙂
Thank you! I’ve been trying so hard with my new camera! Glad people are noticing. You made my day
Oh what a great idea! I love pancakes and maple syrup. Making blueberry syrup out of maple syrup sounds even more amazing. I believe I’m going to have to try this next time we make pancakes.
I know and it was my husbands idea, can you believe it! So easy and only takes a minute or two
Blueberries are great way to really liven up your pancakes. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
I love pan cake..thanks for sharing the recipe I will share also to my friend..
Delicious! I’ve never liked those fruit syrups at say like Denny’s, but when I make it myself with fresh fruit, the best ever!! I’ve never tried blueberries though.