Cookie Butter Popcorn

Cookie Butter Popcorn

Cookie Butter PopcornThis post is brought you by Sprouts Farmers Market.Cookie Butter Popcorn

Cookie butter is one of the most genius inventions of all time. It’s like heaven in your mouth! It’s a spreadable cookie, c’mon! But what do you do with cookie butter? This is the first time I’ve actually had some in my house so I decided to try my hand at making Cookie Butter Popcorn to enjoy with the kids this Valentine’s day. 

This popcorn is so easy to make that you can do it right in your microwave. If you don’t have an air popper to make popcorn I highly suggest the Lekue Popcorn Popper because it’s collapsible and pops it perfect every time. I use it on the daily. 

Check out the video below to see how to make the Cookie Butter Popcorn. 

Cookie Butter Popcorn

I bought everything at Sprouts Farmers Market. They have popcorn kernels, dark chocolate buttons, and their new Cookie Butter. I just separated the red buttons out of the mix to make it for Valentine’s day.

I love Sprouts because they have these great bulk buy bins that you can find so many great things in. Dried fruit, rice, oats, candy, and jerky. I walked around for awhile looking at all the great things they offer. Buying in bulk helps reduce waste packaging and as more families become more eco-friendly and waste-conscience it is a great option to choose from. You can skip the plastic bulk bags as well. If you have your own reusable produce bags or mason jars that you would like to bring, just have the cashier weight the bag or jar beforehand so you aren’t charged for the extra weight. Cookie Butter Popcorn

Cookie Butter Popcorn
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Cookie Butter Popcorn


  • 3 Tbsp Sprouts Cookie Butter
  • 1/4 cup white chocolate chips
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/4 cup popcorn kernels or one bag of plain popcorn
  • 1 tsp oil


  • Pop popcorn according to directions.
  • In a microwave safe bowl add white chocolate, butter and cookie butter.
  • Microwave in 15-second intervals, stirring until well blended.
  • Pour over popped popcorn in a large bowl.
  • Mix popcorn until it is all coated. Then add in the chocolate buttons.
  • Spread the popcorn onto a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle with your favorite sprinkles.
  • Refrigerate or freeze for 10 minutes to harden the cookie butter.
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    Cookie Butter Popcorn - JaMonkey