This picture doesn’t really do this small area justice. This is simply where my hot water heater lives. It’s a closet with a light and that’s about it. We recently took some left over wood and made shelves in the space so that I could store our bulk items from Costco. One shelve didn’t do so well when I tried to move it, hence the whole in the drywall.
I also hide presents in this room so my stash of gift bags have found a home here as well. Those two bags are filled with lots of smaller bags and tissue paper.
As you can see stuff just kind of gets thrown in here. It’s a great place to keep things out of sight, out of mind. I normally forget that I have food in here and I buy even more during the next visit. Underneath all those bags are a few boxes of toys that we have had since my first daughter was a baby. You know the 6 year old!!! I saved them for the next baby but we never took them out to get played with so now they are going to Goodwill or Freecycle.
We simply removed those boxes and hung up the gift bags and wrapping on a hook to get it off the floor. Now I have enough space for a laundry sorting area! Which will make my laundry couch very happy! Maybe I can get rid of it too.
Looks good. Wish we had closets to hide stuff in…we are lacking in the closet department for sure.