
Galaxy Easter Eggs

Dying Easter eggs is a fun family activity. There are so many cool ways to color eggs, I’m going to show you how to make Easter eggs that look like a galaxy! Make it a fun S.T.E.A.M. project.

How to Dye Eggs with Shaving Cream

Dying eggs with Shaving cream is a fun way to experiment with colors on your Easter eggs. Using Shaving cream to transfer the color onto the eggs holds the color in place to create the galaxy or marbles effect. It’s important to allow the shaving cream to dry on the eggs or you won’t get the desired effect.

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Galaxy Easter Eggs

How to dye easter eggs with shaving cream to look like a galaxy.



  • 12 Boiled eggs
  • Shaving cream
  • Neon or primary food coloring for this project I used neon


  • Prepare your area by placing a paper towel in a container to the side.
  • Squirt a thin layer of shaving cream in each muffin cup. Use the plastic spoon to even out the shaving cream in each cup.
  • Drop 5-10 drops of food coloring of choice into each cup. You can create different color combinations. Use a toothpick to swirl the colors around in each cup, creating a tie-dye effect.
  • Put on gloves. Carefully place an egg into each muffin cup and rotate the egg into the muffin cup, covering the whole egg. Repeat this step for all eggs.
  • Allow eggs to sit for 10-15 minutes until the shaving cream completely dries. Rinse each egg off under cold water.
  • Place eggs to dry on the lined pan or container.
    How to dye galaxy easter eggs in shaving cream


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Galaxy Easter Eggs - JaMonkey