Here Comes the Boom in Theaters Now

We are always looking for movies that have a happy medium of enjoyment for both men and women. Well Here Comes the Boom is a perfect pick for that. Kevin James plays a high school teacher that has slipped away from the joy of teaching but makes a complete turn around when he vows to save the music program from being cut do to budget problems.

Lots of schools are going through this same problem around the country. Some of which are right here in Atlanta. This movie will pull at your heart strings, keep you on the edge of your seat and have you laughing out loud. By the end of the movie you’ll be cheering in your seats. Kevin James plays a knock-out role (pun intended) that I feel finally took him out of the Paul Blart Mall Cop disaster. He plays the role extremely well showing from the get go that underneath the surface is a person that truly cares.

The men will love seeing the Mixed Martial Arts that will help save the school. Not to mention Salma Hayek as the nurse and love interest of Kevin James’s character Scott Voss. Although this movie is rated PG there is a lot of fighting scenes. They are controlled cage fighting, UFC and gym scenes so it’s up to you to judge on that one.

Check out the trailer below and go see Here Comes the Boom. In theaters now!


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Here Comes the Boom in Theaters Now - JaMonkey