This post was sponsored by generationOn” as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central
I’ve talked about teaching kids and giving back to those in need in the past. We’ve participated in toy, food, and fundraising efforts with our kids. But we’ve never had a chance to volunteer anywhere. My oldest is getting to be old enough now that she can start coming with us to volunteer. So we are planning on participating in Family Volunteer Day.
Family Volunteer Day is held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to “kick-off” the holiday season with giving and service. This year, Family Volunteer Day takes place on Saturday, November 21. It’s a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their neighbors and neighborhoods. This year generationOn and Disney Friends for Change are rallying thousands of families and kids across the country for the 25th annual Family Volunteer Day on Saturday, November 21.
generationOn is a great organization from Points of Light, focused on teaching and inspiring kids to make their mark on the world through service and leadership development. The end of the year is always super busy so generationOn makes it easy and fun to get involved even in little ways.
This year we want to get involved with a local food bank to help serve or distribute meals to those in need for Thanksgiving. It’s something my husband and daughter have expressed interest in and I think it would be the perfect thing for our family to help out on together.
Win a $100 Visa Gift Card
To celebrate the partnership between generationOn and Disney Friends of Change I’m giving away a $100 Visa Gift Card! Enter by using the Rafflecopter below (it sometimes takes a moment to load). Leave me a comment about the ways you volunteer with your kids (or plan to)!
Contest entrants are only eligible to win once per sweepstake, per household as part of a campaign sponsored by Influence Central.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
we generally sponsor angels off of the Quinn House angel tree, or the one at the local Mall that Salvation Army(?) puts together. We regularly donate to the local food bank as well.
We offer our time alot to various organizations. One that we have recently started volunteering at is the Midwest Foodbank. They have a location in Peachtree City that we enjoy going to to give back.
We donate used goods and adopt a needy family for the holidays.
We cook meals for homeless families during the first weekend of every month
We volunteer with an after school kids program in our area, and we donate food to our local food pantry.
I donate food and volunteer twice a year at my local food pantry.
I donate to Good will.
we volunteer at a local food pantry
I want to volunteer at my local food bank.
I volunteer at Emergency Services for their Clothing Program.
thank you
We don’t have time to volunteer now, but we have planned some volunteer opps for Christmas time such as collecting toys for Toys for Tots.
We volunteer at church to raise money for those in need.
e always do the toys for tots every year.
We volunteer at the animal shelter.
i like to volunteer at the animal shelter.
We volunteer with an after school kids program called girls on the run and we pack food for overseas through Feed My Starving Children.
One that I really want to do this holiday season, is as a family go to one of the homeless shelters and cook and pass out meals!
We help by donating to the food bank during the month of November and help with the food collection and delivery of turkeys to needy families!
We donate to the food pantry and donate clothing, blankets, household items. I also make fleece mittens for the mitten drives and little gifts for the gift trees for kids in need.
I Like To Volunteer With My Family At School Events, And The Animal Shelter.
we volunteer at church
we are always donating food, other things, and money to organizations and charities.
We collect toys and other things for a local battered women’s shelter.
My daughters both volunteer alot. They do the food self, horse ranch for disabled kids and many more. I sponsor families at Christmas and help families with autism.
My family and I sew blankets, hats, scarfs, mittens, and tote bags for those in need. We also collect food for food drives. We also make toys for children in the hospital and sew pillows for heart patients.
I shared on Google + but my copy and pasting the link didn’t work. It came up twitter. Here is the link for my share today
We donate food to chow and donate toys at Christmas.
My family volunteers at the local shelter to help serve!
We donate canned and shelf stable foods to our food pantry, and visit the nursing home.
There is a local shelter we like to volunteer to serve meals to others. It’s such a rewarding feeling to help those in need.
I volunteer by helping stray cats in my community.
My husband and I are part of the Purple Heart Association. We volunteer allot of our time helping those in need through that organization. We mostly donate and help pass out gift baskets during the holidays for the veterans. We are also big animal lovers so I like to volunteer at our local animal shelter on my free time
We volunteer our time and donating food and clothes to the community through my sons school.
I’m a volunteer reading tutor.
The kids always have some kind of food drive at their schools! It’s for a good cause- feeding our community!
We volunteer at our local food bank by helping stock shelves and watch little children while their parents pick out food. We also help serve meals at our local shelter 🙂
My 12 year old daughter and I volunteer every year for our local Special Olympics! It’s been so rewarding for us both and my daughter absolutely loves spending time with the Special Olympic athletes! Super fun and very fulfilling! We have vowed to so this forever!!!!
We help by donating food to a local church for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter drives they have. We donate to Toys for Tots every Christmas season. I give our clothes to Goodwill when we are done with them. We also donate money to the Salvation Army bell ringers during the holiday season.
I’ve volunteered at our local no kill animal shelter many times. My boys participate with their little league in canned food drives every year. This year we are paring down our belongings and donating to a local women and children’s shelter.
My kids and I volunteer at our church to raise money for the needy.
We plan to volunteer at our local shelter for the holidays.
I volunteer my time at a local church food pantry as well as donate food to the pantry.
i donate to the dias shelter which is a domestic abuse shelter… its a place where they help women and children get back on their feet .. ive donated clothes and toys for the kids
My children and I volunteer at a nursing home during the holidays and help decorate! The folks really enjoy having the kids around 🙂
Tell me in the comments how you volunteer (or plan to volunteer) with your family.
if i ever find time..i dont mind,but im afraid i haven done much over the years
My daughter is a frequent visitor to the children’s hospital so we volunteer and donate a lot to the ronald mcdonald house
We always help the church with Meals on Wheels helping the elderly and homeless, they just need some help so we help as often as we can
We not only help out at our church, we takeu p food several times a year for the local food bank
we pass out food to the homeless on sundays 🙂
thanks! xoxox
we like to help at church events and events in the community
We donate food and clothes throughout the year as well as volunteer at the school for clothing drives.It’s so important for kids to learn about giving back!
I volunteer at the food bank
My husband is assistant chief of our local volunteer fire department.I keep things together here,so he can help others in need.Thanks so very much for sharing.
We like to donate clothes, food, toys, help a family in need.
we have donated a lot in the past.
I volunteer at church as for hoedown, gift wrap, and sunday school teacher!
We volunteer at our local senior activity center.
We volunteer by helping at our church and at the kid’s school as well.
I volunteer a lot at school functions and different drives we have to raise money.
I volunteer at school. I help out at recess, lunch, and fundraisers!
We volunteer with the local chamber of commerce and we pass out food and gifts to needy families around the holidays.
We collect toys and canned food for drives, especially around the holidays.
I donate my used goods all the time. I am disabled and can’t really volunteer. But I rescue animals all the time. I think that counts for something.
We donate to our local food pantry and to good will. We also adopt a family for Christmas.
We volunteer at our church by helping out with the booths and ticket sales etc. Also donating to the homeless.
We donate food to our church’s pantry! It feeds hundreds of people every month
I volunteer mostly at my son’s school, but I also like to volunteer at our City’s animal shelter walking dogs when I have time.
We like to volunteer at our local elderly home and at church functions.
I just donated money to our local Dare To Care Food Program. They help so many people in our community and with the holidays coming up, they always ask for extra help to provide more holiday meals.
We go to the nursing home and help with activities!
We always donate clothes and toys. We volunteer at our local food bank.
We collect toys and art supplies to take to the families at our local Ronald McDonald House all year round.
My husband is an active member with our local Chamber of Commerce so we participate in a lot of events with them. Most of them benefit local charities/community groups like, High School arts programs, local food bank, blankets/clothing for the homeless, etc.
Every year we donate clothes, food, toys, to local organizations. My mom and I also take our company and give back to 20+ charities as well as helping local women’s shelters.
In December we like to go to our local soup kitchen and help prepare and serve meals to the homeless.
We donate food & help at community events.
I volunteer for the Parent teacher organization at my school. it is great to be able to run events for and with my children.
by helping out with homeless shelters
ive gone to the senior citizens home and helped out there
I plan to volunteer with my family at the animal shelter!
I donate food and clothing to food banks and clothing drives.
We donate regularly to several organizations and have volunteer at church.
My family and I always volunteer to do Supermarket Saturday which is an event around our community where we collect canned food and donations for the food drive. We also work very closely with Sparrow Clubs USA.
We make sure to volunteer at our local fundraisers!
I donate blood! I have also volunteered at the food bank and for special charity events.
We don’t do a lot of volunteering but every few months do help out with pet adoption events through our local shelter.
We love going down to the SPCA to volunteer! The kids love taking the dogs out for a walk!
We try to volunteer through our church. Also have served Thanksgiving dinner for those less fortunate.
we love to go to homeless shelters a few times a year and serve them.
I work for a local non profit that helps women escape from sex trafficking
I volunteer at a local food pantry
Every year we donate our old winter coats to a local organization. I also like making care packages for some elderly people in my town.
I would love to at a local food drive/food bank