My Goals for 2014 #BlogForward

Blog Forward Badge 350x350[1]This is a letter to myself for the Blog Forward challenge from Zone Perfect. Although they have sent me product, all views are my own. As always. 

The Blog Forward challenge is a way to make smart resolutions and then stick with them. Lots of bloggers are taking this challenge along with me to keep themselves on track throughout the year. Checking in on ourselves in a few months to make sure we are still on track. So here it goes! 

Dear Meghan, 

Did you know that losing weight is the number one thing that people make as their new year’s resolution? You’ve been guilty of making it for the past few years also, but this year you’ve decided on a more realistic resolution. Not that losing weight isn’t a good resolution and thing to do for yourself, it’s just something that ends up stressing you out and depressing you when it’s not instant. Let’s face the facts and get real for a minute. You’re busy. You went back to school, you’re a mom of two sweet girls, a homemaker, a wife, and you blog. So I’m glad you decided on realistic goals to stick by for the next year. Goals that will lead you to a path of happiness. 

1. – Putting school work before any other work. It’s ok if the laundry isn’t folded. That you haven’t posted a blog post today. You’ve been working hard studying on classes that need your full attention. You’re getting one step closer to a degree that will help you continue to do what you love. You’re going to study hard and work on getting a high GPA so you can score some scholarships and grant money. As long as the kids are feed you’re doing great! 20140130-133443.jpg

2. – While you’re working your tail off at school you’re going to pack your lunch to save money. Budget and save so you can work towards becoming debt free. That means meal planning to budget the grocery bill. Packing your husbands lunch.  The more money you save, the less your student loans will be. The less stressed you will be.

3. – Happy snacking. Switch out eating bad snacks to ones that fuel me longer and are better for me. Fruits and vegetables. A Zone Perfect bar in your backpack to eat between classes to get you through till lunch. This will stop you from going to the vending machine and devouring a bag of chips and a chocolate bar or a fast food drive thru. Not a good fuel to keep you going.  So stick to the good stuff! 

So I hope you have read this letter in the future and keep yourself in check. This is your path to happiness. Less stress and more smiles. You can do this. Remember these tips from below if you need a kickstart. 
Blog Forward Nutrition Tips


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My Goals for 2014 #BlogForward - JaMonkey