
Pamper Yourself this Mothers Day

Rush the kids to swim lessons, dance, and gymnastics class. Make sure all your assignments are done for college, including statistics, because MATH, ugh! Photograph and shoot some videos for the blog, edit, write, post, and repeat. Get the dog to the vet, make sure dinner is ready, clean some laundry because no one can find anything to wear in the morning while we rush out the door to get the kids to school. All that in one week. That doesn’t include the fact that our AC unit broke and I’ve been without air conditioning for the past week and it is also Easter weekend. The stress is real y’all, and I’m feeling so worn down. 

I don’t get a lot of time to get out and get to a salon for my hair let alone a full-service day of pampering. Last weekend I was invited to come out to the Paul Mitchell school Esani for a day of just that with some of my closest friends. You don’t realize how much you need a day of relaxation until you’re laying on the table getting a hot stone massage (in a room with air conditioning)! Everyone at Esani is a student (or teacher) and they are not only super sweet and attentive, they are so excited to be there.  They followed their dreams and are learning a skill they love. Being around excited, happy people is infectious. Especially when they dig Disney as much as you do. 

It’s so important to make time for yourself. Even for something as simple as a blowout. When you take a moment to breathe or pamper yourself, you get to hit the reset button. Even for an hour, it’s worth it. It’s true what they say about looking good and feeling good. Making yourself smile while cause you to be happier. 
I had always heard that going to a beauty school was an awesome option to save money because you can get services done at deeply discounted prices. Because Paul Mitchell Esani school has such a large teaching program, you can get lots of different services from the cosmetology or esthetics department. Pop in for a cut, color, and blow-dry or savor the time and get a facial and a hot stone massage. Services start at just $10 and top out at $70! So you can get a few services for the same price you would pay for one service anywhere else. 

During my visit, I got a facial, a hot stone massage, and an Awapuhi treatment for my hair. Because my hair is so color treated, it is very dry. So my stylist Kelly thought it would be a great way to restore some moisture and shine. Wow, was she right! Just walking through the room to take this picture turned a lot of heads. My hair tends to do that anyways but everyone noticed how shiny it was.  My color was more vibrant as well. I plan on going back for sure. Everyone did such a great job, they were so kind and you cannot beat the prices. Such a great option to pamper yourself while you help a student get the experience they need to start their career! 

Check out what Redhead Baby Mama and Really, Are You Serious got done as Esani!


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Pamper Yourself this Mothers Day - JaMonkey