
Scared for My Friend #Oklahoma Tornado

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  • Scared for My Friend #Oklahoma Tornado

I was oblivious to the tornados sweeping across the country the past few days. I saw an update from my best friend who was scheduled to have surgery on her back yesterday. She was put under to start her surgery, but they woke her up almost immediately. When she awoke the lights were flickering. The nurse told her that there were tornado warnings and that it wasn’t safe to do her surgery anymore. They discharged her immediately to free up the beds for incoming storm injuries.
Moore Tornado PathThis map shows the path of the tornado. The star on the map is where my best friend lives. That’s how close it was to destroying her home. Her family made it out around the area as well. Her husband who is active military has already been called out to help in the search and rescue efforts.

After realizing what had happened I couldn’t get through because of the cell towers being down. Even though she was posting updates on Facebook I wanted to hear her voice. Thank goodness her daughter (my daughter’s best friend also) was out by me visiting family. I finally got some text messages back from her though. This morning however I lost it. After hearing about the death toll and seeing the damage I called her. Way too early, because we are in different time zones. I was crying so hard thinking about how scary it was that she had such a close call.

I’m so glad that her whole family is safe. They are helping out in the community as much as they can. But if you can please give to the  Red Cross to help in the relief. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. It’s super fast and easy. It shows up on your monthly cell phone bill. Text to Donate Red Cross


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2 Comments Text
  • I can’t even imagine! I’m glad that your friend is OK. Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I will be donating to the Red Cross – it’s such a small thing to do, but it can make a very big difference.

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    Scared for My Friend #Oklahoma Tornado - JaMonkey