
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Will Have Fans Cheering

The first episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch manages to capture Star Wars fans in the first 10 minutes, solidifying the new Disney+ show as an instant hit. Just as The Clone Wars started with a feature-length special to jumpstart the series, The Bad Batch starts with a 72 minute first episode to set up the storyline from the last time we saw the group.

While it isn’t a requirement to watch The Clone Wars, the first episode of The Bad Batch gives viewers a chance to learn about these special clones right from the beginning. The story brings us back to The Clone Wars, while Clone Force 99 were assisting Caleb Blume (Kanan Jarrus, Rebels), and his Master, Depa Billaba in battle during Order 66. 

Seeing what happened to the Clone Army after Order 66 is something I’ve always wondered about. How did they go from growing clones to kidnapping children and raising them to Stormtroopers for the First Order? Admiral Tarkin gives us a hint at what is to come for the clones that make up the new Galactic Empire.

Admiral Tarkin in a scene from “STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH”, exclusively on Disney+. © 2021 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

Watching the Bad Batch work together is what fans love about this group. They each have a specific skill set and when they work together as a team, audiences can see why they are so fantastic. The Bad Batch also introduced a new character, Omega, a clone female with an intriguing story.

Many characters from The Clone Wars make an appearance in The Bad Batch, including some notable rebel fighters. Even the medical AZI-345211896246498721347 (AZI) helped discover the inhibitor chips with Fives during The Clone Wars.

Not sure who The Bad Batch are? The short version. They are genetically mutated clones that serve as a special forces squad. Members include Sergeant Hunter, who has enhanced sensory abilities. Wrecker a hilarious and massive clone that has brute strength. Tech is extremely intelligent. Crosshair has keen eyesight and expert marksmanship. Rounding out the team is Echo, an ARC Trooper who joined Captain Rex’s squad until he was thought to have been killed in battle. It was later revealed that he was captured and experimented on with cybernetics that allows him to interact with computer systems much like a droid. After he was rescued, he joined The Bad Batch.

(L-R): Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, Hunter and Tech in a scene from “STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH”, exclusively on Disney+. © 2021 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

Watch these episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars to learn all about Clone Force 99 aka The Bad Batch

“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in “The Clone Wars”) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch—a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army—each possess a singular exceptional skill that makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch Will Have Fans Cheering - JaMonkey