
We’re a Repreve #TurnItGreen Finalist

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  • We’re a Repreve #TurnItGreen Finalist

I am so incredibly excited right now. I just got the following tweet!

To say that I was jumping out of my seat was an understatement. My daughter was so excited to make this fun Vine with me.

Now I need your help! Please head to the Repreve homepage to vote for our video! We are one of four other finalist in the contest for $5,000! This prize would help us with one of our goals this year, to pay off some bills and help pay for my college! Going back to school has been a strain on our family but a great choice for our future.

You can vote once daily from each of your devices! Please help us win. Just click vote under the last video of JaMonkey talking about Repreve. Vote here

Find out more about Repreve in my previous posts. It’s an AWESOME company, doing AWESOME this with recycled products.

Incorporating Recycled Products into Your Green Life
Ways that Your Kids Can Help Go Green

Thank you so much for taking the time to vote and share!



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We're a Repreve #TurnItGreen Finalist - JaMonkey