
Why I Voted for Obama, Again. Last Chance to Vote Early #blogforobama

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  • Why I Voted for Obama, Again. Last Chance to Vote Early #blogforobama

This week I headed out early and decided to vote. My thought was that I would beat the lines and be able to ease the stress with a baby in tow. Unfortunately I ended up waiting for three hours. Regardless of the fact that two hours in the baby started screaming, she was hungry and she had a wet diaper I stuck with it. I was too invested at that point. Presidential elections are too important to just say “ah,this is too much of a hassle.”

I love the saying,” you don’t get to complain about the choices your president makes if you didn’t go out and vote.” I hate discussing politics with people but sometimes you just have to take a stand. I stood behind Pres. Barack Obama for the last four years and plan to do it for another four. One of my goals in life is to meet Michelle Obama and just shake her hand. They are the epitome of a power family!

Some of the reasons I was all for Pres. Barack Obama was his take on the energy crisis. As a green family I think it’s so important to be moving towards more sustainable energy sources. The other main reason was the war in Iraq. I’m so happy with everything that he’s done in the last four years for this war.

Voters seem to be focusing on the things that Barack Obama promised but hasn’t achieved yet. My response is always the same to this. How do you expect to turn an entire country around in just four years? No president can achieve this. Plus he had quite a mess to clean up. But I truly believe that Pres. Barack Obama managed to change a lot within his four years. I can’t wait to see what he can do with four more.

20121101-132814.jpgObama is the only President to openly support the Gay community. This is the biggest leap (next to the first black president) our country has made! I am beyond supportive of equal rights for all Americans and I can’t believe that the government is even given the right to discriminate against anything we do. Women’s rights, Gay Rights. Why is this still a political issue in this day and age?! It’s disgusting to me. Why would the person I marry or the decisions I make in my body have anything to do with the person down the street? What happened to mind your own business?

You only have one day left to get out and vote early regardless I hope you get out and vote. I live in a state where my vote doesn’t even really count but I still go because one day I might be surprised to find out that the entire state decided to change its political views. I’ll know that I helped swing that vote.

Find your local office and vote before the lines are crazy! Make your voice heard.


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5 Comments Text
  • He may have not been able to do all that he promised, but he has accomplished a lot in the last few years, even though he was given 8 years of a big pile of mess to clean up.

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    Why I Voted for Obama, Again. Last Chance to Vote Early #blogforobama - JaMonkey